
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Software Review: Articulate's Storyline

I’ve used a lot of different elearning software, all the basics- Trivantis Lectora, Articulate Presenter, Adobe Captivate. Each one of these has strengths that make it a leader in the industry. I’ve enjoyed working in Lectora and Articulate’s Presenter suite a lot over the years.

Despite that, there’s no arguing that Captivate has bugs, Lectora has a big learning curve and Presenter just isn’t powerful enough sometimes for what you want to do… Well, the gang at Articulate sure listened to those concerns. They created a new software platform that has the screen capture and recording of Captivate, the power of Lectora’s variables and the simplicity of Presenter’s PowerPoint integration all wrapped in to one program. Sound too good to be true? I thought so, too- until I tried Storyline. Let’s look at how it compares to the three software programs I mentioned.