
Friday, December 28, 2012

2012 Wrap Up

At the start of this year, I had high hopes for a 2012 full of innovation and creation. At the end of this year, I’m looking back with a bit of a sigh. Innovation and creation are slow coming, but we haven’t stopped trying.

Here’s a review of my dreamspace statements and where we are with them:

“Our department will have a regular video production schedule set up so that we can improve our production time and our creation process. This will enable us to provide better support to our clients (colleagues and learners) by giving them a clear idea of when their project can be started and completed.”- We don’t currently have a regular video production schedule. Efforts were made to put one in place at the start of the year, but personnel changes made sticking to it impossible. That being said, right now we’ve hit a good rhythm with our video production. While it’s not on a regular schedule, it is being handled on a regular cadence of

“Social learning will be alive and well in our business collaboration space. Users will create their own spaces and blogs, and share materials, photos and videos. Learners will collaborate across departments, functions and levels generating innovative ideas.”- Our focus moved away from social learning this year for our external users, but a much larger focus was placed on it for our internal teams. We’ve started to collaborate much more over our SharePoint site- posting articles and blogs, kudos and recognition and commenting on the posts. It’s a huge culture shift for our department, but the shift is happening.

“Our LMS (including the social and mobile platforms) will be integrated seamlessly into the Learner’s experience. They won’t know when they leave the portal and when they enter the LMS. Log in will be seamless and content will be simple to find with intuitive searches.” – This goal was accomplished successfully for our external partners- their experiences are seamless now. The experiences for our internal users are still not seamless, but our technology department is working to resolve this issue.

“We will provide monthly, targeted remote training to our Learners. This will be delivered in simple, yet effective methods that fit both the Learner’s needs and our available technology. We will not force one to fit the other.” We’ve delivered this successfully with an implementation of live monthly webinars. These were met with excitement and success and will continue on into 2013.

Other goals came up throughout the year that shifted my priorities from my dreamspace statements to the changing needs of my department. While its important to have your vision, your dreamspace, you have to be flexible enough to make sure your goals are focused on what your company needs.

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