
Friday, December 28, 2012

2012 Wrap Up

At the start of this year, I had high hopes for a 2012 full of innovation and creation. At the end of this year, I’m looking back with a bit of a sigh. Innovation and creation are slow coming, but we haven’t stopped trying.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Benefit of Good On-Screen Talent

I just wrapped production on a video about selling skills. We didn't have a lot of time for production and I was nervous that we wouldn't get everything done in time… but we did. You know why? Not because my script was incredible or because I’m a brilliant director [even though it totally was and I completely am! :)]. It was because the talent we had on set was amazing. I've worked with all sorts of actors before- good, bad, amazing and terrible. Nothing is better than being on set with a good actor who is interested in the project, prepared and ready to go.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Webinar Scripting

Do you use a script for your webinars? If not, you should! Far too often webinars are bogged down with “umms” and “wells” and awkward pauses while you or your presenters take time to gather your thoughts. Using a script gives you the chance to gather your thoughts BEFORE you’re on the air. This leaves your audience with the best impression of you possible.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Software Review: Articulate's Storyline

I’ve used a lot of different elearning software, all the basics- Trivantis Lectora, Articulate Presenter, Adobe Captivate. Each one of these has strengths that make it a leader in the industry. I’ve enjoyed working in Lectora and Articulate’s Presenter suite a lot over the years.

Despite that, there’s no arguing that Captivate has bugs, Lectora has a big learning curve and Presenter just isn’t powerful enough sometimes for what you want to do… Well, the gang at Articulate sure listened to those concerns. They created a new software platform that has the screen capture and recording of Captivate, the power of Lectora’s variables and the simplicity of Presenter’s PowerPoint integration all wrapped in to one program. Sound too good to be true? I thought so, too- until I tried Storyline. Let’s look at how it compares to the three software programs I mentioned.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Help Stop SOPA and PIPA!

We're going to take a break today from our normal subject and talk about something really important- stopping internet censorship.  You may have noticed something a little different at some of your favorite websites (check out Google, Wikipedia, Reddit, this website!).

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Engaging and Entertaining your Learners

Our company recently reorganized. My department went from supporting one specific group of users, to a much broader group. One of the new groups I work with are the agents at our call centers. As anyone who as ever worked in a call center knows, this is a tough job. Generally speaking, customers don’t call a company (or a help desk) when things are going well. So you spend your work week fielding concerns, issues, instruct opportunities and the occasional venting via scream. I can tell you right now, I’m not sure I’d last a week. But the people in our call center? They’re wonderful- Funny and nice and excited and generally interested in the company, the product and the tools available to them.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Where are You Going in 2012?

Happy New Year and welcome to Learntastic! If you’d like to know about the author, click the Megtastic tab at the top of the screen. A few things you should know before you get started, sometimes we make up our own words, concepts or sayings here at Learntastic. If we ever make you go “What?” click the Wordtastic tab at the top of the screen for a definition. We’ll try to link you there when necessary. Alright, let’s get started!